Thursday, August 6, 2009

Google Released Chrome for Windows

You see, if Google arrive the Tech columnist corps to the Googleplex endure year to introduce the Google Chrome browser, it was actual quick to point out that a Mac adaptation was advancing soon. In fact, aggregation co-founder Sergey Brin - a adolescent Mac user - jumped on date to say that he too was actual afraid for a Mac adaptation and that he would be down in the labs bugging the Chrome aggregation about it regularly.

Apparently, he’s had added things to yield affliction of aback the aggregation launched Internet Browser Chrome for Windows not absolutely a year ago. As of today, Mac users are still application Firefox (which isn’t bad) and Safari (which has gotten better). But, still not Chrome.

In fact, the official Google blog column that highlights all of the new speed benchmarks and achievement improvements does not even accomplish acknowledgment of a Mac version. It is like we Mac users do not even exist.

So, if you wish to apperceive about how abundant the new beta version of Google Chrome for Windows is, here is a hotlink to Google column so you can read from them on your own.

Like the bad action little kid on the playground, I anticipate I will bend my arms, about-face my aback and beef by boycotting advantage of any new Chrome account until the aggregation puts a “for Mac” in the columnist release/blog column headline.

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